
To Be In Business

“To Be In Business LTD” (the “Company”) provides high quality multidisciplinary solutions in Israel for transportation, building, constructions and infrastructure industries.

The company consults and implements the best solutions for our clients, among them you can find:

 The Israeli  Rail Company, the Israeli Cement Industry , The Israeli Defense Force, Water supplier companies, Tuttnauer (medical), Supergum (plastic industry), etc.

Our solution is full and coherent to the client’s needs and requirements and includes:

R&D, production, importing of any required products while providing full support and training until the customers achieve the full benefits of our services.

Our high reputation among our customers was achieved while providing them with the highest quality solutions adapted to their needs which combine the supply of quality products that create a complete answer for their needs.

The company has the ISO 9001 certificate and is working according to their high standards.

Management team

Mr. Eyal Cohen, CEO – Industrial Engineer, served in the IDF and retired as Lieutenant Colonel. He was the CEO of several Industrial companies

Mr. Sorin Moskovitz –  CTO – Engineer, has more than 35 years of technical experience in the Israeli transportation companies serving mainly the Israeli Train Company.

Mr. Amir Cohen- CFO  MA in Economics has more than 25 years of experience in Israeli and international companies, and has held CFO positions in both medical devices and cleantech industries